So there you were… You and your partner just got ROSC on your patient after a few rounds of high quality CPR. You grab your 12-Lead cables and begin applying them when you realize that you are a few electrodes short. The spare pack you keep with the monitor is probably here… somewhere in the pile of equipment and trash that surrounds you. Do you know how to get a tracing without electrodes? Continue reading “No Electrodes? No Problem.”
Anaphylaxis: Critical Treatment Pearls
Anaphylaxis is a life threatening condition, typically with extremely acute onset. Luckily, the treatment is simple… isn’t it? Here is a quick review to help you make the right decisions when treating this critical condition. Continue reading “Anaphylaxis: Critical Treatment Pearls”
3 Steps to Making the Valsalva Maneuver Effective.
Ask just about anyone what they think about the Valsalva Maneuver, and they will all probably tell you just about the same thing; “It works, sometimes”. Here are 3 easy steps you can take to double your chances of success when using this infrequently successful technique. Continue reading “3 Steps to Making the Valsalva Maneuver Effective.”
Field Diagnosis of Kidney Stones
“Kidney stones” is the common term for (usually) calcium containing deposits which form in the kidney, eventually breaking free, and causing an acute onset of severe pain as they pass through the urinary tract. Here are some fast tips to help you identify and treat this condition in the field. Continue reading “Field Diagnosis of Kidney Stones”
Eliciting the Hoffman Reflex [Video]
Hoffman’s Sign, also commonly known as the Hoffman Response or The Hoffman Reflex is a type of muscle stretch reflex that can aid in your assessment of patients experiencing neurologic distress. Continue reading “Eliciting the Hoffman Reflex [Video]”
New iPhone Vein Finder App
Most have seen the newer advances in vein finder technology. Check out this new iPhone app that will have you finding difficult to locate veins on the go! Continue reading “New iPhone Vein Finder App”
Cardiology: Interpreting QT Interval
Identifying the QT interval (QTI) is a very important part of 12-Lead EKG interpretation. Here are some quick tips to help you quickly interpret the QTI in the field. Continue reading “Cardiology: Interpreting QT Interval”